Audition Q&A

Q: Do I need any prior experience to be in the Color Guard? 

A: No! We will teach you all of the skills you need to know to be successful. 

Q: Do I have to be in the class to be in the Color Guard? 

A: Yes. Color Guard will earn you your PE and Fine Arts credits, but you must be in the class. 

Q: If I have already done my schedule, can I not audition?

A: You may still audition. Mr. Doran and I work with the counseling staff to have Color Guard added to your schedule after you make the team. Many programs on campus have their try-outs after the scheduling process. 


Q: Can I do other activities in school, like sports, dance, Theatre, Choir,  and still do Color Guard? 

A: Yes! We encourage you to participate and build up your resume. Strong communication and time management will make this work. There are a few situations where there are too many conflicts, but that is very rare. We have a great history of students being successful at multiple things. 

Q: What is the time commitment like throughout the year? 

A: We do summer rehearsals to learn the show, and rehearse after school on Mondays. Before School on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Fridays during the fall, and Tuesday and Thursday JV winter guard and Monday and Wednesday during the winter. You can find the schedule here:

​Q: Can I be in AP and still have time to do Color Guard? 

A: Yes! Many band/guard members are in AP classes. The key is to have strong time management skills. Having an activity like Color Guard on your resume is a strength in the college application process. 

Q: What is the cost associated with participating? 

A: There are fees that are collected to help fund the program as well as to purchase necessary materials for the season. If you are interested in the specific numbers, please reach out to Ms. Moran for details. 

Q: If I am an instrumentalist, can I be in the Color Guard for marching band and still play my instrument for concert season? 

A: Yes! But we encourage Brass Instruments to play in the marching band. We have several members of the Color Guard that perform both with the guard in the fall and the band during concert season. Please speak with Mr. Doran if you are interested. 

Q: Is Color Guard a full-year class? 

A: Yes, that is how you earn the PE and Fine Arts credits.